
Showing posts from May, 2024


All right, I decided to take the risk and create a Reddit account yesterday. Reddit is a social media platform that blends social networking and online community features. I joined the coffee and single-parent communities in addition to the class community. It's going well so far. I have started going through them to see what other people have to say about the subjects I am interested in, just to make sure they are communities I want to be a part of. As I've mentioned previously, this is a new experience for me, so at first, it made me uneasy. However, after reading through the comments and seeing what people had to say, I believed I could  complete this. Come on, Reddit!


  Rewarding those who take on challenges with badges is a terrific idea. I began my path towards badges when I was a Brownie. From Brownies to Cadets was my path with Girl Scouts. I've gained a lot of wealth over the years, and we had fun on our excursions. While badges are an incredible perk, the real purpose of the experience was the community, connections, and rewards that came with it. The badges were the cherry on top. What is the opinion of others regarding obtaining badges, either from this course or from participation in any other group that grants badges for completing tasks?


Well... I have made it to week 3 in my EME6414 course. At first, I felt so overwhelmed, but now I am getting there. This week, we are learning more about communities. I never knew that I would want to participate in a communities like I have before, however, I am challenging myself to get more involved and take another chance to give another community a try. What are my interests, and/or what type of community do I want to be involved in? I am still thinking about these things because I want to learn something from the new community I will be involved in. Online communities are vital places for people with similar interests and objectives because they offer forums for communication, assistance, and teamwork ( Lejealle et al., 2021) . Comprehending the distinctions and mutual benefits between virtual and real-world communities can assist individuals and establishments in utilizing both to establish more robust and interconnected webs. Reference Lejealle, C., Castellano, S., & Khe

Week 2 Reflection

           This week, I took a look at digital natives and produsage.  I would have to say that I am definitely a part of the digital native group or community. One thing I thought about myself was that I felt as though I was a tech-savvy person. However, there are things I still need to learn about Web 2.0 and the social media world, but I am willing to challenge myself to get there while taking this class. Being considered a part of the digital native community, we are distinguished by their ease with technology and how they incorporate it into many aspects of their everyday lives, such as communication, education, and entertainment (Prensky, 2001). Another thing that I have learned is that people can simultaneously contribute to and consume content creation, blurring the lines between producers and consumers in contrast to traditional approaches to content creation (Burns, 2011). This was so interesting and helped me better understand what is truly meant by products. After understa

My Thoughts on Blogging ( 5/21/24)

  I've completed my first week of blogging. I never would have thought to try something like that in this class. But the first week went well, and things will improve over time. It is a fun approach to learning about other people's perspectives on various issues. I've enjoyed expressing my views on many subjects and watching how it all turns out, and so far, I'm happy with the outcome. Blogging can serve as a tool for both teaching and learning, depending on the user and the content being shared. Additionally, blogs can be used for amusement. I finished my research on blogs and why people use them last week. Seeing how others felt and the reasons behind their blog choices was fascinating.

RSS??? (5/23/2024)

    It was really interesting for me to use RSS feeds this week with the class blogs, as I am definitely new to utilizing them. It greatly simplifies the process of accessing the class blogs. According to what I've learned, the majority of RSS readers let you categorize or group your feeds (Johnson et al., 2009). Which would undoubtedly save me time and help me keep things organized. There are several advantages to using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, especially for people who wish to efficiently keep up with their favorite blogs, news sites, websites, and other online information. The accessibility it offers is fantastic (Johnson et al., 2009). Numerous platforms and devices, such as desktop and mobile applications, web-based readers, and apps, can access RSS feeds. No matter where they are, people can keep updated thanks to its multi-platform accessibility. Your capacity to keep informed can be significantly improved by using RSS feeds, which combine content from several

Digital Natives…. that’s me! (5/22/21)

Marc Prensky first used the phrase "digital natives" in 2001 to refer to those born after 1980 who grew up in the digital era (Prensky, 2001). These people are accustomed to and at ease with digital technology because they were exposed to it at a young age. Those born before digital technology became widely used and had to adjust to it later in life are known as digital immigrants, in contrast to this generation. At first, when reading about it and what it truly meant, I would have to say that I am definitely a digital native. Technology and seeing and testing out all the social media platforms are things that would not interest me. However, I am slowly learning and adjusting to each one. This class will help me manage my discomfort while expanding my learning with each one I engage in. Due to my familiarity with technology, digital natives like me are essential players in the social media scene. Even though I may not use all the social media platforms, I still use what I hav

Week 1 Reflection

  I have learned much more than I thought I knew about Web 2.0. This week has been an eye-opener, showing me that I need so much more and would like to learn more.  As a school counselor student, social media or Web 2.0 can help enhance the knowledge and guidance I provide. I do not know everything about social media and have been reluctant to get involved in many of it for personal reasons. However, knowing there are safety nets, and I can just explore and improve my learning, I am willing to try.  I have been accustomed to using Instagram for entertainment and YouTube for learning and relaxation. A while back, I set up a Facebook account to stay connected with church members, but I needed to set myself away from it just for my mental health. However, having communities and networking opportunities is a way to stay connected and learn from one another.

Learning and Enjoyment

There are a lot of facets in the realm of social media. My experience has taught me that I can teach or learn about social media use. I've had to share input from previous educational experiences about things I've learned or want to learn. I currently use Instagram, for instance, to de-stress from the outside world. I like scrolling through adorable pet photos and watching videos. I don't post anything on Instagram; I use it to unwind and take in other people's content. Social media can be utilized for several purposes, including informational purposes, amusement, product sales, and spiritual uplift. Which I may say I find enjoyable. As I've previously stated, social media may be utilized for education. Using social media sites like YouTube and Instagram has taught me a lot. Two examples are trying a new recipe or learning to utilize software I'm unfamiliar with.

The Storms of Life

  Although there wasn't a tornado because we were in Jacksonville, the effects were still felt. In addition to network failures and a few power outages, we also had rain and wind. For instance, I had to exercise patience this week to go to the doctor and finish my lab work. Since the computer systems were unavailable, all tasks had to be completed by hand. I could still view videos on YouTube and browse through Instagram. Using these kinds of platforms to pursue my interests has always been intriguing. It can be stressful to be unable to use these tools. Whatever the case, using social media helps me decompress and avoid real life.