Learning and Enjoyment

There are a lot of facets in the realm of social media. My experience has taught me that I can teach or learn about social media use. I've had to share input from previous educational experiences about things I've learned or want to learn. I currently use Instagram, for instance, to de-stress from the outside world. I like scrolling through adorable pet photos and watching videos. I don't post anything on Instagram; I use it to unwind and take in other people's content. Social media can be utilized for several purposes, including informational purposes, amusement, product sales, and spiritual uplift. Which I may say I find enjoyable. As I've previously stated, social media may be utilized for education. Using social media sites like YouTube and Instagram has taught me a lot. Two examples are trying a new recipe or learning to utilize software I'm unfamiliar with.


  1. Hi, there! I’m Bridgette from class. My blog is Web 2.0 Learning Lab. I loved this post! I can relate to a lot of what you said. I use Instagram and Facebook to see adorable pet photos, too. It’s an instant pick-me-up if I’m having a bad day. Like you, I don’t really post a lot on Insta gram. I choose to browse, instead.


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