Week 1 Reflection

 I have learned much more than I thought I knew about Web 2.0. This week has been an eye-opener, showing me that I need so much more and would like to learn more. As a school counselor student, social media or Web 2.0 can help enhance the knowledge and guidance I provide. I do not know everything about social media and have been reluctant to get involved in many of it for personal reasons. However, knowing there are safety nets, and I can just explore and improve my learning, I am willing to try. I have been accustomed to using Instagram for entertainment and YouTube for learning and relaxation. A while back, I set up a Facebook account to stay connected with church members, but I needed to set myself away from it just for my mental health. However, having communities and networking opportunities is a way to stay connected and learn from one another.


  1. Oh boy, I can how knowing the ins and out of social media could be so useful for a school counselor, especially middle school and older. From a professional standpoint there are probably so many groups for counselors to share ideas. Also, it is good for you to be able to see what the kids are seeing and help them navigate the ups and downs of the social media world.


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