
Showing posts from June, 2024

Week 7 Reflection

     This week, the emphasis was mainly on the activities that promote classroom learning. Investigating the options available to improve classroom instruction. Utilizing various techniques, instruments, and strategies to engage students and enhance their comprehension of the material supports classroom learning activities. Teachers can create engaging and instructive networked knowledge exercises by considering their students' needs and abilities. Assuring that students have the necessary technical abilities, internet access, online communication skills, and privacy concerns guarantees they can engage in these activities successfully. Their entire learning experience can also be improved by utilizing a range of appropriate tools and techniques for their developmental stages and learning styles.

Tools Focused on Classes

       As a learning designer, I am especially interested in researching novel approaches to enhance the learning experience. Because these tools have unique properties that can address many aspects of learning, they can be helpful additions to traditional methods. Specialized technology enables greater control over the learning environment and greater customization. Unlike conventional social media platforms, which are meant for broad, public use, they can be tailored to meet the needs of learners and particular educational objectives. Many educational products are designed with collaboration in mind, providing features that support group work, peer review, and interactive discussions.       This can be more focused and structured than social media chats, which are sometimes chaotic. The fact that some social media platforms are highly engaging and well-known to kids could be a disadvantage. Utilizing the tools students already use can increase engagement and create the perception tha

Instruments and Layout

  As a designer, I choose tools to help implement your ideas. I have an idea already, and I'm thinking of ways to improve it. However, another well-liked tactic is to start with a well-defined idea and select the appropriate tools to bring it to life. Although many tools are available, my top three choices are Flickr, the class blog, and Canva. Canva hasn't been used in this class, but I've used it in previous ones, and it's been really beneficial. This week's new tools are all worth exploring and looking at because they will be helpful for future work. When designing and instructing, a designer needs to  be able  to select the suitable instruments to carry out preexisting notions and discover new ones. Although selecting tools is often driven by a specific idea, tools can also act as a source of inspiration for creative methods of instruction. By incorporating many platforms, like Canva, Padlet, Nearpod, Kahoot, and Trello, educators may enhance student participati

Week 6 Reflection

     Thinking about the application was the main focus this week. Being able to originate from the necessity to assist people in structuring their opinions around the use of social media.  This week, I have been able to process what network activities would entail and how to engage with the activities this week and past weeks.  The term "networked knowledge" describes the information and understanding that come from a group of connected people, frequently made possible by social media and digital technology. Sharing, co-creation, and information distribution among participants in a network define it.     Networked knowledge is a transition from old, walled ways of knowing to more collaborative and dynamic forms of learning and knowledge production in an era where information is abundant and easily available. A significant change in the production, sharing, and use of information is represented by networked knowledge. Through the utilization of different and  interconnected in

Putting the "network" in Networked Knowledge Activities

Building a network has, in my opinion, been essential to my ability to participate in networked knowledge activities since it has given me access to a variety of viewpoints, tools, and cooperative opportunities. For instance, working on joint writing projects or research articles with colleagues in my network enables me to combine a variety of perspectives and areas of expertise, producing results that are richer and more thorough. Another choice has been to hold brainstorming sessions with coworkers or online groups, which frequently produce creative ideas that wouldn't come up on their own. For instance, taking part in idea competitions or hackathons within my network has inspired innovative s olutions to challenging issues. Being a part of peer learning groups where members routinely communicate updates, thoughts, and feedback has shown me how to observe networked knowledge activities.

BONUS: Social Media and Teaching/Learning

Social Media and Teaching-Learning: Connecting or Distancing? Faculty have the difficult challenge of integrating modern technology into teaching and learning activities while respecting the presence of teacher and student as new concepts and methods of connecting seem to emerge ever faster. This column's main topic is using social media as a teaching-learning tool in the collaborative process of learning, which is crucial for aspiring nurses. Although there are many and constantly evolving potential for employing teaching-learning technologies, faculty members are faced with the difficulty of co - creating a coming-of-age journey that is learner-focused without letting the technology take center stage. Reference Yancey, N. R. (2017). Social Media and Teaching-Learning: Connecting or Distancing?  Nursing Science Quarterly ,  30 (4), 303–306.

Week 5 Reflection

My fifth week went in a different direction, introducing me to many new social media platforms and places I had never thought existed. We explored the domains of repositories, specialized communal collection and curation, and automated content curation. Flickr was new to me; I had only recently discovered it  but had fun browsing it.  It was a fantastic learning opportunity to investigate these new regions online. For instance, I was unfamiliar with the OER Commons website, but I learned something new with greater access to educational materials. It was entertaining even to browse the MERLOT website. The ability to search for the content you need and obtain all the information required for an educational project that you require is really beneficial. It was further dissected by looking for material for school counseling and then having the option to choose my audience.

Concerns about Ethics for Online Teachers

Precautions must be taken for the kids' safety when it comes to the online educator. There are other ways to accomplish this, but these seem like the ones that would work best. Preserving student communications' privacy, student data, and personal data. FERPA-compliant, safe platforms should be used for all instructional purposes (Feeney, S., & Freeman , N, 2015) . Make sure that all student data is safely and securely stored. Prior to disclosing any student information or work online, get express consent. Granting equal access to online tools and assistance to all students and taking into account their various learning requirements. Recognize the existence of the digital divide and make an effort to offer students with restricted internet access offline options or assistance. Online instructors must carefully assess the particular ethical problems they face (Feeney, S., & Freeman , N, 2015) . Proactive methods to deal with. By putting these tactics into practice, e

Intellectual Property

  Both producers and users in online environments have serious worries about intellectual property. It is essential for authors to manage how their work is used and to prevent infringement. Comprehending fair use rules and honoring intellectual property rights are crucial for users. Teachers are essential in teaching and maintaining intellectual property standards because they help students become knowledgeable and behave morally in both their academic and professional endeavors. A culture of respect for intellectual property can be fostered by educators through the incorporation of IP education into curricula, ethical modeling, and awareness raising.

Week 4 Reflection

This week, we studied crowdsourcing and expertise. I've always been curious about what qualifies someone as a true expert. What requirements must a topic meet in order to be awarded the title? Everybody will be unique in their standards and opinions. Ultimately, some people might concur, and others might not. I have spent the entire week investigating and sharing options with Wikipedia and Flickr. Even so, I went back and double-checked the social bookmarking on Diigo. Crowdsourcing and expertise offer significant opportunities to foster innovation, democratize knowledge, and enhance group learning in the Web 2.0 era. They do, however, also present challenges in terms of ensuring quality, verifying qualifications, and handling a range of contributions. It is possible to make knowledge-sharing venues more welcoming and successful for communities, professionals, and educators by identifying and making use of their individual strengths.


               You are probably wondering why I have three animals in my photo essay. The dog pic is my gentle giant, Sam; he passed away on May 16, 2024, and was the best dog ever. I miss him terribly! In the meantime, I have been caring for the calico cat named Kookie. She is my work cat . She has been hanging around at work for a while now. She had a litter of kittens almost a month ago. However, she has grown attached to me. She comes to the door or the window and sits there until I go and feed her. I say she now stays at the window or door just to watch over me. I feel as though with Sam’s passing, she was given to me as a work pet…! Then we have the big black cat, this is a daddy cat. He is the dad of the litter to Kookie’s kittens. So I added him because he is a part of the family at work. This is the first time I have used Flickr, and I was nervous at first, but then I thought about what to do. Then the challenge came, so I started with this and saw how it went. So fa


       I was told never to use Wikipedia in school because the information was incorrect. This was because anyone could go on there and add their own information. So, when completing research papers or anything with school, I had to stay away from this page. However, outside of school, I would look around the site to gain knowledge or other people’s opinions about what they know ab out a certain topic. Now being in this course, I am getting permission to explore the page, it feels crazy, but interesting.      Anyone can edit Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia that has been edited by millions of people. Wikipedia presents information on all fields of knowledge with the intention of helping readers. It is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation and has freely modifiable content with many links inside the articles to point users in the direction of more resources (Wikipedia Contributors, 2018) . In short, any of the information on the page can be edited and changed. I can see why my tea

Week 3 Reflection

  I have found that adjusting to all the new experiences this week has been difficult. This week's focus has been on networks, communities, and utilizing new social media sites. I feel like I've accomplished a lot this week in every area. Haha! Participating in other Reddit communities has given me a fresh perspective on Instagram, and I have learned much about the platform. Finally, I want to rejoin LinkedIn, which I haven't used much in years. It will be fascinating to see if anything has changed there. My personal philosophy is to be mindful and cautious constantly. Though I am grateful for all the safety nets on social media, this isn't always the case. Safety is always the first priority, even with instruments designed to keep us entertained and connected. Effective communication is essential when using any kind of instrument. Social media offers distinctive means of fostering connected learning and education while providing the formative knowledge requir