

    I was told never to use Wikipedia in school because the information was incorrect. This was because anyone could go on there and add their own information. So, when completing research papers or anything with school, I had to stay away from this page. However, outside of school, I would look around the site to gain knowledge or other people’s opinions about what they know about a certain topic. Now being in this course, I am getting permission to explore the page, it feels crazy, but interesting.

    Anyone can edit Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia that has been edited by millions of people. Wikipedia presents information on all fields of knowledge with the intention of helping readers. It is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation and has freely modifiable content with many links inside the articles to point users in the direction of more resources (Wikipedia Contributors, 2018). In short, any of the information on the page can be edited and changed. I can see why my teachers didn’t want me to use it; you would definitely need to fact-check any information you are using from this page. However, exploring and seeing what was on the site was nice.


Wikipedia Contributors. (2018, December 29). Wikipedia: About. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Blessed, Similar to you, I was not permitted to use Wikipedia as a reference for school assignments. However, it can be used as a starting point for additional research. For example, a middle school student can use it to explore a broad topic, such as space. Based on their reading, they can find an area to examine further, such as space travel's effects on the human body, from more credible sources.


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